Sunday, August 23, 2009

How do I report a possible Army security violation . 2d time asked?

Adobe downloaded a 53 page Article 15-6 investigation classified SECRET/ NOFORN to my computer. Old Sgt was helpful but the address he furnished did not work.

How do I report a possible Army security violation . 2d time asked?software

Try this link, it covers any crime!

How do I report a possible Army security violation . 2d time asked?vincent

Every unit should have a security manager. Call yours ASAP. If you don't know who he is, he's doing a piss poor job. Next option is to call the MPs, who will likely get CID involved.

I'm not sure how it's even possible unless someone copied classified onto some sort of portable media and purposely uploaded to an unclass system. However, if it's truly classified, expect that your computer will be confiscated and the hard drive wiped (there's a special way to do this so the data is unrecoverable) or destroyed.
Talk to your chain of command if you can. Go straight to your company commander. If not then the military police or counter-intelligence people will want to hear everything. You cannot do this anonymously so be prepared to name-and-shame and put your balls on the chopping block. If you are right and can prove it you will not be punished. You will also probably be transferred somewhere far far away.
Who did you initially contact. Shouldn't be a 2d time. Call your commander, first sergeant, CID, or the Counter-Intel folks.

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